Redis, renowned for its blazing-fast performance and versatile data structures, offers a myriad of tools for developers to architect robust and scalable applications. At the heart of Redis lies its string data type, a foundational element empowering developers to craft efficient and dynamic solutions.
Unleashing Versatility: Redis strings transcend mere text storage, serving as dynamic […]
StringUtils is Operations on String that are null safe. Snipset code below was a my code history.
//when i was in collage String result=”putracode”: if(data ==null && data.length>0 ){ result=data; } //First Time in Job String result= (data ==null && data.length>0 ? data ; “putracode”); //And Now String result=StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(data,”putracode”);
Look More Simple.. 😀
StringUtils […]
Strings is a part of google Guava librarys. Strings is Static utility methods pertaining to String or CharSequence instances.
Strings helps us to :
Check Null Value Pad String Repeat String Check Prefix or Sufix
Let See The example code below :
And here are the results of our code snippet […]
Determines a true or false value for any Java char value, just as Predicate does for any Object. Also offers basic text processing methods based on this function. Implementations are strongly encouraged to be side-effect-free and immutable.
Throughout the documentation of this class, the phrase “matching character” is used to mean “any character c […]