StringUtils is Operations on String that are null safe. Snipset code below was a my code history.
//when i was in collage String result=”putracode”: if(data ==null && data.length>0 ){ result=data; } //First Time in Job String result= (data ==null && data.length>0 ? data ; “putracode”); //And Now String result=StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(data,”putracode”);
Look More Simple.. 😀
StringUtils […]
FastDateFormat is a fast and thread-safe version of SimpleDateFormat.To obtain an instance of FastDateFormat, use one of the static factory methods: getInstance(String, TimeZone, Locale), getDateInstance(int, TimeZone, Locale),getTimeInstance(int, TimeZone, Locale), or getDateTimeInstance(int, int, TimeZone, Locale)
Since FastDateFormat is thread safe, you can use a static member […]
Take a look for RandomStringUtils and RandomUtils. Apache Common-langs make a simple way to do it. RandomUtils is a Utility library that supplement the sandart Random class. RandomStringUtils is an operations for random Strings. Currently private high surrogate characters are ignored. These are Unicode characters that fall between the values 56192 (db80) and 56319 (dbff) […]
SystemUtils help us to know java system properties. We Don’t need get manually. let check this snipset code
And here are the results of our code snippet above:
Do you have a little bored using Java Util Date? Say it to do little operation using java Util Date.
example parsing String to Date, add days , add month, round Date, truncate date
ceiling date and more operation. Using standart java code we will add some code to these operation.
Now I […]
Strings is a part of google Guava librarys. Strings is Static utility methods pertaining to String or CharSequence instances.
Strings helps us to :
Check Null Value Pad String Repeat String Check Prefix or Sufix
Let See The example code below :
And here are the results of our code snippet […]
Another Blog says Google Guava Splitter is Faster , Whatsss…?? 10 Times , Seriously ?? We need to how Splitter Guava Work and how to use it. For the First time wee need to read Google Guava Splitter Documentation.
Extracts non-overlapping substrings from an input string, typically by recognizing appearances of a separator sequence. This separator […]
Joiner is part library of google guava, this class help us to join a List and Map. An object which joins pieces of text (specified as an array, Iterable, varargs or even a Map) with a separator. It either appends the results to an […]
HashBaseTable is a part of collections google guava library. This views returned by column, columnKeySet and columnMap have iterators than don’t support romove(). Otherwise, all optional operations are supported. Null values is not supported( column, row and values).
Lookups by row key are often faster than lookups by collumn key, because the data is stored in […]
Awesome… that is Word i can say first, for Google Guava Table.
Guava table is a part of library guava. A collection that associates an ordered pair of keys, called a row key and a column key, with a single value. A table may be sparse, with only a small fraction of row key / column […]