FastDateFormat is a fast and thread-safe version of SimpleDateFormat.To obtain an instance of FastDateFormat, use one of the static factory methods: getInstance(String, TimeZone, Locale), getDateInstance(int, TimeZone, Locale),getTimeInstance(int, TimeZone, Locale), or getDateTimeInstance(int, int, TimeZone, Locale)
Since FastDateFormat is thread safe, you can use a static member […]
Do you have a little bored using Java Util Date? Say it to do little operation using java Util Date.
example parsing String to Date, add days , add month, round Date, truncate date
ceiling date and more operation. Using standart java code we will add some code to these operation.
Now I […]
Java Util Date is Past, Now is a new Era, Java Time is a Future, my teacher say like that
Java 8 come with the new Api for Date. LocalDate is an immutable date-time object that represents a date, often viewed as year-month-day. Other date fields, such as day-of-year, day-of-week and week-of-year, can also be […]