Tuple data type is a fixed-length sets of typed positional fields. Use a tuple as an alternative to user-defined type(UDT). A Tuple can accommodate many fields(32768). When we create a table, for tuple datatype use angle brackets and a comma delimeter for the commponent types. Unlike other “composed” types (collections and UDT), a tuple is always frozen (without the need of the frozen keyword) and it is not possible to update only some elements of a tuple (without updating the whole tuple). Also, a tuple literal should always have the same number of value than declared in the type it is a tuple of (some of those values can be null but they need to be explicitly declared as so).


Creating table student with tuple data type

    CREATE TABLE student (
    student_name text,
    student_address tuple<text,int,text> // address,zip code, telephone home

the output

cassandra@cqlsh:putracode> CREATE TABLE student (
             ...     id UUID PRIMARY KEY,
             ...     student_name text,
             ...     student_address tuple<text,int,text> // address,zip code, telephone home
             ...     );
cassandra@cqlsh:putracode> desc student
CREATE TABLE putracode.student (
    id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
    student_address frozen<tuple<text, int, text>>,
    student_name text

Inserting Data for tuple value

INSERT INTO student(id,student_name,student_address)
VALUES(UUID(),'gita',('GATOT SUBROTO',80237,'0361-123123123'));


cassandra@cqlsh:putracode> INSERT INTO student(id,student_name,student_address)
             ... VALUES(UUID(),'gita',('GATOT SUBROTO',80237,'0361-123123123'));
cassandra@cqlsh:putracode> SELECT * FROM student;
 id         | student_address                            | student_name
 ad582a49...| ('GATOT SUBROTO', 80237, '0361-123123123') |         gita
(1 rows)

Filtering using tuple value

when we filtering use tuple data type use keyword ALLOW FILTERING or creating index on column tuple.

cassandra@cqlsh:putracode> select * 
                           from student 
                           where student_address=('GATOT SUBROTO', 80237, '0361-123123123') 
                           ALLOW FILTERING;
 id             | student_address                            | student_name
 ad582a49-238c..| ('GATOT SUBROTO', 80237, '0361-123123123') |         gita
(1 rows)

Tuple support nested tuple

CREATE TABLE student (
    student_name text,
    student_address tuple<text,int,text,tuple<text,text>> // address,zip code,  telephone home,<country,city>
    INSERT INTO student(id,student_name,student_address)
VALUES(UUID(),'gita',('GATOT SUBROTO',80237,'0361-123123123',('Indonesia','Denpasar')));

Update Data on Tuple

UPDATE student
SET student_address=('GATOT SUBROTO 182',80237,'0361-123123',('Indonesia','Denpasar'))
WHERE id=9b1a7dec-6fed-425b-9d73-019cffbe5220;

a tuple is always frozen (without the need of the frozen keyword) and it is not possible to update only some elements of a tuple (without updating the whole tuple).

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